Collection: Oto Machines

For sale at Soundgas, Oto Machines tools for music and sound creation. Shop online at Soundgas for Oto Machines BIM, BAM, BOUM, and Bébé Chérie. 

BIM is 12-bit stereo delay unit inspired by studio delay processors built in the early 80s. BAM is a stereo reverb processor inspired by the late 70s / early 80s digital reverberator units. BOUM is a full analogue stereo warming unit, combining an easy-to-use compressor, a versatile distortion generator and a smooth low-pass filter. Bébé Chérie is a 6-channel stereo analogue mixer with a one-knob compressor and a Bliss enhancer on the master bus.

Oto Machines products are designed, assembled and tested in France using the best quality parts.