Import tax & VAT questions?
Many items we sell (but not all) will have 20% VAT added for sales in the UK.
We ship to the EU, USA and most parts of the world at the price without VAT .
EU buyers will be charged VAT on import, which you can reclaim if you’re VAT registered in EU. Brexit has not been a good idea, but at least things have settled into a new rhythm and shipments are getting processed reasonably quickly.
If you are buying from outside the UK we recommend finding information from your local import charges and taxes.
Note that we cannot under any circumstances ship things with a reduced value shown on the paperwork.
Questions about voltage & converters...
Some of the gear we sell needs a voltage converter of one sort or another – you will see details in the listing about what is required and what we do or don’t include with each item. Other gear we can switch or convert internally, either as part of the service (included in the sale price), or sometimes as an add-on. If you have any questions about your purchase get in touch.
And we do sell voltage converters for running both Japanese and US gear in the UK and in Europe. You can see the units we stock here, however you will notice that they are out of stock – this is because they are only available to our customers. Unfortunately we cannot sell them to anyone else, simply because we are too busy and don’t have time to deal with the queries and admin they generate.
And you if you are buying from us to use gear in the USA we have info on what you need for that as well…
Want to know more about voltage converters and the gear we sell?
Packing Vintage Gear
Whether you are sending us something as a return, for service, or for us to sell for you on consignment, please take the time to read this and pack your gear properly.
If you have any questions or concerns it is always better to delay and speak to us before you ship. Heart-breaking photos of smashed rare gear sent to us in a tatty bit of bubble wrap and a plastic envelope are available on request…
Can you service my gear?
We get asked a lot if we can service/fix/restore people’s synths, echoes and other vintage gear. See below for some extra info about Roland/Korg tape echoes, Binsons, and synths/drum machines. Right now the answer – for gear that has NOT been bought from us – is sorry, no. Subscribe to our mailing list and you’ll be the first to know when we’re ready to take on further work.’
The simple fact is we have a large backlog of gear to work through before we can take on significant amounts of extra servicing. Priority is given to working on customers’ gear we’ve sold: (we provide a warranty, plus lifetime service support on most items).
However, there is a small amount of light at the end of the tunnel for some types of equipment. We aim to release a limited number of Roland echo service slots soon (via our mailing list); more info about Binsons and synths below.
Working with us
If you have experience working the kind of equipment and instruments you see on our website then we may well have work for you, either on a freelance basis, or if you are local to us then possibly as an employee. Please get in touch!
Privacy policy
Seriously though – we take privacy very seriously. We protect your data and never share it or sell it. Read our Privacy Policy in full.
Terms & Conditions
…we have them – the terms under which you use our site and service. They are pretty (OK, very) dull. But if you are really keen you can find the full page here.