Grampian 636 Instructions & Schematics

Grampian 636 Instructions & Schematics

Below you will find links to various pieces of original Grampian documentation, including tech specs, schematics and articles, which you can view and download from the links below.

Note that these were given to us to distribute and are free to use, however if you use, re-post or share them then please add a credit and a back link.

 Original Grampian Reverberation Unit Type 636 Instructions (reproduced into a searchable format)

 Original Grampian 636 Brochure & Technical Specification

 Schematic: Grampian Type 636

 Schematic: Grampian Type 636 Power Unit PU/2 plus

 Grampian 636 PU-2 Fitting Instructions

 Grampian Type 636 wet-only modification – Instructions & Schematic



This page is part of our collection of resources on the legendary Grampian Type 636. Read more about this remarkable unit and see all the information we have gathered over the years here. We’re fanatical about these units and sound they can produce if restored to full functioning – if you are looking for one of these units, or have one to sell in any condition, please get in touch.

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