
Raiders of the Lost Arp (or "should I sell my 2600?")

Raiders of the Lost Arp (or "should I sell my 2...

Another new year, another iconic synth resurrection. Behringer ruthlessly copying yet another venerable/iconic classic synth into handy (until it requires service or repair) pocket-sized form? No (not yet at least),...

Raiders of the Lost Arp (or "should I sell my 2...

Another new year, another iconic synth resurrection. Behringer ruthlessly copying yet another venerable/iconic classic synth into handy (until it requires service or repair) pocket-sized form? No (not yet at least),...

Publish and be Saved!

Publish and be Saved!

Is it morally-justifiable to withhold (or charge for) rare schematics to vintage equipment? When there are fewer and fewer people on this earth who have the knowledge and desire to...

Publish and be Saved!

Is it morally-justifiable to withhold (or charge for) rare schematics to vintage equipment? When there are fewer and fewer people on this earth who have the knowledge and desire to...

"Passion Don't Lie" - The Quest For Techs Updated

"Passion Don't Lie" - The Quest For Techs Updated

We finally have some availability in our service department and are taking on Roland echo service work. More about that here, but we thought it was also time to update our...

"Passion Don't Lie" - The Quest For Techs Updated

We finally have some availability in our service department and are taking on Roland echo service work. More about that here, but we thought it was also time to update our...

Soundgas, Ben Frost & The Netflix Dark Soundtrack

Soundgas, Ben Frost & The Netflix Dark Soundtrack

When we announced Soundgas Studio remote access beta testing last autumn, one of our first briefs was to add extra filth and unpleasantness to the stems for Matthew Herbert’s soundtrack to the...

Soundgas, Ben Frost & The Netflix Dark Soundtrack

When we announced Soundgas Studio remote access beta testing last autumn, one of our first briefs was to add extra filth and unpleasantness to the stems for Matthew Herbert’s soundtrack to the...

Harder or Softer (or why you should get out of the box, & how to do it)

Harder or Softer (or why you should get out of ...

In last week’s blog on whether to buy a vintage or reissue Minimoog Model D (or Behringer Boog) I didn’t compare the myriad softsynth options available. Many might well ask,...

Harder or Softer (or why you should get out of ...

In last week’s blog on whether to buy a vintage or reissue Minimoog Model D (or Behringer Boog) I didn’t compare the myriad softsynth options available. Many might well ask,...

Which Minimoog? Vintage, Moog Reissue or Behringer Model D?

Which Minimoog? Vintage, Moog Reissue or Behrin...

In which Tony gives his answer to two questions we are often asked about vintage Minimoogs: “Should I buy a vintage Minimoog or the reissue Moog Model D?” “Why buy...

Which Minimoog? Vintage, Moog Reissue or Behrin...

In which Tony gives his answer to two questions we are often asked about vintage Minimoogs: “Should I buy a vintage Minimoog or the reissue Moog Model D?” “Why buy...