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Soma Synthesizers Ornament-8 (Turret)

Soma Synthesizers Ornament-8 (Turret)

Brand: SOMA Laboratory

Regular price £495.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £594.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £495.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £594.00 GBP
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In stock and ready to ship. Remarkable, trail-blazing approach to the “sequencer” based on new principles of behaviour generation and control. Impossible to sum up, it’s totally wild – read the words and watch the video!

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Product Description

From Soma Synths:

ORNAMENT-8 is an organismic sequencer, or in a broader sense, a synthesizer of behaviour. A unique feature of ORNAMENT is its fully horizontal modular structure that consists of eight equal and independent cells which are special delay lines. It’s in fact an analog computer with a temporal dimension, the behaviour of which is determined by patching and adjusting the temporal properties of each cell involved in the generation of the behaviour.

ORNAMENT can be controlled via Eurorack-compatible Control Voltage. The output of ORNAMENT is also standard CV signals that can control LYRA-8, PULSAR-23, Eurorack systems and any equipment that can receive CV, including non-audio ones such as lighting setups or electromechanical installations. For controlling LYRA-8 we developed a special adapter for easy connection to the LYRA sensors while also preserving the ability to play it normally with your fingers.

The adapter (not included) attaches to LYRA’s surface using magnets which make installation easy and safe. ORNAMENT, as an organismic sequencer, complements LYRA’s organismic synthesis nature, making them a perfect pair.

ORNAMENT-8 is based on a completely new principle of synthesis of behaviour. Instead of a vertical structure with a tempo generator on top and some memory for storing sequenced events, we have a dynamic equilibrium inside a horizontal structure without any memory, just an infinite “now” that generates the next moment of behaviour. In certain key aspects, it resembles a neural network where there is no difference between “processor” and “memory”, where functions are blurred and all structures are very flexible. Because the ORNAMENT is fully modular, you can connect any number of ORNAMENTs into a single network, creating very complex multi-dimensional structures with the same complex behaviour. For those with philosophical inclinations, ORNAMENT is a playground the size of a box of chocolates where you can study fundamental laws of life and society, going beyond linear logical thinking.

ORNAMENT-8 was designed by Vadim Minkin, the new creative mind who recently joined SOMA laboratory. ORNAMENT is intended to be the first in a line of SOMA sequencers developing new principles of behaviour generation and control.

Power consumption: +12V

More information in the manual.


Brand New!

Voltage Information

See description for more information.


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