Product Description
Roland System-100 Model 103 Mixer for sale.
These are excellent submixers; capable of summing your analogue gear and adding some wonderful extra character and warmth when pushed. Interestingly the reverb on these uses the same tank as the Space Echo, however the sound is noticeably warmer and generally more pleasant*, making the mixer very useful as a reverb unit in its own right.
*We have yet to investigate precisely why this is, but we will...
More about the Model 103 from Vintage Synth Explorer:
The Mixer 103 is a cool add-on. Features 4 inputs and 4 sliders, and mixes these down to 2 outputs. There are two analog VU meters (a nice touch) as well as panning, mono effect sends/returns, and a built-in spring reverb! The Model 103 is designed to sit on the right side of the System and feeds the Monitor Speakers. The speakers provide a stereo monitoring source which is another great (optional) touch! The Mixer not only has outputs for these speakers, but also Line-Outs for use live or in the studio!
These are excellent submixers; capable of summing your analogue gear and adding some wonderful extra character and warmth when pushed. Interestingly the reverb on these uses the same tank as the Space Echo, however the sound is noticeably warmer and generally more pleasant*, making the mixer very useful as a reverb unit in its own right.
*We have yet to investigate precisely why this is, but we will...
More about the Model 103 from Vintage Synth Explorer:
The Mixer 103 is a cool add-on. Features 4 inputs and 4 sliders, and mixes these down to 2 outputs. There are two analog VU meters (a nice touch) as well as panning, mono effect sends/returns, and a built-in spring reverb! The Model 103 is designed to sit on the right side of the System and feeds the Monitor Speakers. The speakers provide a stereo monitoring source which is another great (optional) touch! The Mixer not only has outputs for these speakers, but also Line-Outs for use live or in the studio!