Product Description
Oberheim OB-X with Midi for sale.
Has a filter modification which is very useful.
Information from the owner on this mod:
Previous service work included:
We will fully test it and perform any calibration or adjustments prior to shipping.
Commission sale on behalf of a client. If you have gear that you want us to look at selling on your behalf then please look at our Commission & Consignment page for more information and get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Has a filter modification which is very useful.
Information from the owner on this mod:
This OBX is an 8 voice model and it also has a fantastic mod that taps out all the other filter modes that are already on the voice boards (much like the original sem and 4/8 voice) but not used: Band Pand and High pass.. it has a three way knob on the pitch bend / mod wheel section that toggles between the modes. This mod does not in any way alter the sound of the OBX... in Low pass mode it sounds exactly like any other OBX, but now you also have the benefit of High pass and Band pass modes which is really great.
Previous service work included:
- Full recap
- All old trimmers replaced with new high quality sealed trimmers
- Power supply rebuilt with a bigger bridge rectifier and a new battery
- Lots of ICs replaced with new parts on the main analogue board (the one with all the sample-and-holds, etc.) for future reliability
- Original EPROMs have been upgraded from the original 2708s to newer 2716s.
- Power switch replaced
- New Kenton Midi kit installed
We will fully test it and perform any calibration or adjustments prior to shipping.
Commission sale on behalf of a client. If you have gear that you want us to look at selling on your behalf then please look at our Commission & Consignment page for more information and get in touch to discuss your requirements.