Product Description
Scarce classic Lovetone Ring Stinger for sale. Complete with box, manual and a 240v power supply.
“Klangs, bells, metallic FX, pseudo vocoder FX, Dalek noises, sci-fi atmospherics, spooky warbling, trem arpeggios, tonal toggling, touch sensitive keying, pitch cross-firing, microtonal and atonal FX, evolving drones, didgeridoo FX and not least the meanest graunchiest octave fuzz ever – and these are just for starters!”
This Ring Stinger review in Bass Guitar mag is great.
Comes with a UK power supply but will run off a 9v battery or standardPSU.
“Klangs, bells, metallic FX, pseudo vocoder FX, Dalek noises, sci-fi atmospherics, spooky warbling, trem arpeggios, tonal toggling, touch sensitive keying, pitch cross-firing, microtonal and atonal FX, evolving drones, didgeridoo FX and not least the meanest graunchiest octave fuzz ever – and these are just for starters!”
This Ring Stinger review in Bass Guitar mag is great.
Tested and working well.
Comes with a UK power supply but will run off a 9v battery or standardPSU.