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Elka Synthex

Elka Synthex

Brand: Elka

Regular price £0.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £0.00 GBP
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Quite probably the cleanest and most-worked-on Synthex in the world. These incredible machines are already rare and this one has had a huge amount of work done on it by the owner to make it as good as it can be.

Commission sale on behalf of a client. If you have gear that you want us to look at selling on your behalf then please look at our Commission & Consignment page for more information and get in touch to discuss your requirements.

The owner brought it in and gave us a quick run through of just some of what this instrument can do and it was a revelation - so much richness and depth to the sounds, combined with a clear, logical control panel. A true joy to use.

This Elka Synthex is for sale in 100% working condition, covered by our guarantee of your satisfaction. It is a MK2 version with built in factory midi in/out/thru on a breakout box which connects the the back of the unit via a D-sub socket.

List of work done supplied by the owner:

  • A new solid English Oak case hand made by 'custom synths' in 2008.

All the electronic work was carried out by renowned Service Technician James Walker from Synth Repair Services here in the UK.

  • Battery replaced with a new one - 2008.
  • New Eproms Burnt with new OS - 2008.
  • Every pot on the panel replaced with new ones- 2008.
  • The joystick was replaced with a new one - 2008.(unused original stock).
  • All 6 sliders on the LFO 2 section replaced with new ones - 2014.
  • RAM chips for memory replaced with new ones - 2016.

Power supply -

  • A new super quiet whisper fan installed as the original one was extremely noisy - 2016.
  • A New sinusoidal power transformer fitted as after the whisper fan was fitted we soon realised that the old block transformer hummed loud which was not noticable before as the old fan was much louder and drowned it out- 2016.
  • New power regulators fitted the the power supply - 2016.
  • A full recap of the power supply - work being undertaked at the moment- 2016.

And all the niggles with the electronics fixed over the years by James Walker.

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