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Watkins WEM Copicat Mk IV

Watkins WEM Copicat Mk IV

Brand: Watkins/WEM

Regular price £320.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £384.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £320.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £384.00 GBP
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For sale serviced and in excellent working order. The Mk IV machines can sound very good indeed when you get a good one like this- it's been re-covered and looks excellent.

It's been serviced and fitted with a three-core earthed mains cable for electrical safety - the heads have been cleaned and demagnetised and any failing parts replaced. All knobs are crackle-free (some crackle may develop over time through lack of use - this is easily rectified by a few turns or in excessive cases, a squirt of switch cleaner).

The echoes are even across all heads, and self-oscillate raucously when the sustain knob is turned up. The repeats have that pleasing analogue warmth that comes from tape and which sits so well behind whatever you're playing: this is not a crisp digital delay unit... A very creative tool when mixing, and great for dub-style feedback delays which sound wonderful - it's very easy to get lost creating hypnotic feedback rhythms when 'playing' this machine. It comes with the original footswitch and is fitted with a new tape - because Copicats only use a short length of tape (compared to Echoplexes or Space Echoes) the tape should be changed regularly for optimum performance. We can supply quantities of tape loops if required. It's a very inspiring machine to play: I absolutely love the tone of the repeats when they break up into self-oscillation.

Switchable 240 or 120v

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