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Korg Stage Echo SE-300/SE-500 Soundgas Replacement Tape Loops

Korg Stage Echo SE-300/SE-500 Soundgas Replacement Tape Loops

Brand: Soundgas

Regular price £30.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £36.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £30.00 GBP | Inc.VAT: £36.00 GBP
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Product Description

Supplied in packs of two or four loops.

We're tape echo specialists and obsessives. We have sold more Roland Echoes than anyone else (apart from Roland!) and have decades' experience making them sound incredible. Our investigations into the best tape for Roland Echoes have been part of that work (albeit a part we'd never have embarked upon had we been able to source the correct loops easily elsewhere!). We are delighted to be finally able to begin supplying our own loops.

We have sourced unused and dry-stored original formulation tape stock as used by Roland for their original RT-1L replacement loops - original Japanese Scotch 3M 156S formulation tape stock as revealed in our recent blog. This is a perfect fit and drop in replacement for Korg Stage Echoes. Now available in limited quantities.. The splicing tape is almost as important - we've spent a good deal of time researching the right type to give the best performance. As fitted in all our machines.

See below for info on how to change the loop in your tape echo, as well links to other resources for these machines.

Note that using a tape loop form any source other than us (or Echo Fix) will void the return to base warranty on our serviced Space/Chorus Echoes.

These replacement tapes will fit the Korg Stage Echo SE-300, SE-500 and almost all the Roland Space and Chorus Echo units: RE-101, RE-150, RE-201, RE-301, RE-501 and SRE-555.


Brand new product.

Voltage Information



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