Roland & Korg Echo Demos

Roland & Korg Echo Demos

A growing collection of useful, interesting (or possibly both!) demos of vintage tape echoes from ourselves and others…

We’ve divided them up by model, but to start here’s a couple of our own of 201 and 501 with guitar:



It was only when we started this page we realised how few Space Echo demos we’d put onto our Youtube channel (although we use them on our Instagram feed all the time). This will be remedied very soon, so for now we have one that shows one of our machines on test with guitar and KR-55 drum machine, and then the video of the time that Dan from That Pedal Show came to try (and buy!) a Space Echo, and which features some of his very enjoyable playing through some of our echoes.



More to come here as well – we’ll add some more of our takes on what the 501 can do soon. But for a solid run through of the functions of the peak of Roland’s tape echo tech the demo from Doctor Mix below covers it well:



Good demos of these are much thinner on the ground; here’s a recent quick one from our instagram, plus the one below from “hitwattbob” is methodical and covers the functions that make these unique:



Thanks for reading. This post is one of a series on Roland tape echoes (and also Korg Stage Echoes) that we are compiling into an online resource for tape delay fans and users. Other instalments include tips and tricks to get the best out of your machine, talking about reliability of tape echoes, how to choose the right tape delay, care and maintenance of your tape echo – find them all here.

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